Strategic planning

How we help

There are regulations governing strategic planning for local authorities in various countries. For local authorities in Zimbabwe, section 46 of the Public Finance Management Act (Cap. 22:19) as read with section 22 of the Public Entities Corporate Governance Act (Cap. 10:31) requires local authorities to come up with periodic strategic plans covering a period of between 2 – 6 years, which are reviewed annually. The strategic plans should be compliant with the Integrated Results Based Management system. ERM has expertise in strategy formulation and review, both for the corporate sector and the public sector, inclusive of local authorities.

Focus Areas

  • Facilitation in the formulation of Strategic Plans, including IRBM compliant Strategic Plans and other customised strategic plans in terms of governing regulations
  • Facilitation in the review of strategic plans
  • Integrating theory and practice in local government planning, project implementation and effective municipal service delivery