ERM  is a  consulting and training firm registered in Zimbabwe, providing a wide range of   services principally aimed at adding value to  institutions.

  • Enhancing some key aspects of public financial management
  • Training and advisory services in International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS)
  • Training in and conducting Performance Audits
  • Training in and conducting Fraud Examination (covering prevention, early detection & investigation)
  • Risk management including internal audit and corporate governance advisory
  • Procurement advisory services
  • Corporate strategic turnaround and performance improvement
  • Local authority institutional development, including policy, structural and legal frameworks.
  • Customised capacity building programmes for local authority policymakers, including induction training and leadership training


We are committed to providing value adding consulting, training and software infrastructure services which meet our clientele needs at competitive rates, while observing the core professional and ethical values of;

  • Competence
  • Effectiveness
  • Confidentiality
  • Independence
  • Objectivity
  • Integrity

We endeavor to ensure that our clients observe national laws and regulations, and applicable international standards and good corporate practice. Our approach to business is inclusive, participatory, incremental and futuristic in perspective and orientation.


We operate across all sectors of the economy (public sector, private sector and non-governmental organizations), covering entities of all sizes. No business is too small nor too big for our professional intervention!

Happy Clients
1 Yrs
1 +
Number of employees
1 +

Our Team

Consulting Services has a team of well-groomed, courteous top professionals , with extensive functional, local, regional and international experience in their areas of service provision.

The firm has a team of chartered accountants, audit and risk management experts, fraud and forensic investigation experts (certified fraud examiners), IPSAS advisory and training experts, governance and public policy experts, experts in public administration, local governance, corporate governance, strategic leadership, strategy formulation and review, public sector reforms, procurement advisory, probity and assurance, among other specialized fields.

Matthew Andrade

Matthew Andrade


Ut enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.

Sara Wood

Sara Wood

Risk Management

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod incididunt.

Felix Mercer

Felix Mercer

Sam Brown

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore.

Guadalupe Bertrand

Guadalupe Bertrand

Marketing Expert

Cras hendrerit suscipit ligula id ultrices. Maecenas dolor libero fringilla.

Michael Perry

Michael Perry

Team Leader

Cras hendrerit suscipit ligula id ultrices. Maecenas dolor libero fringilla.

Alice McCoy

Alice McCoy

HR Manager

Cras hendrerit suscipit ligula id ultrices. Maecenas dolor libero fringilla.

Our History

Suspendisse potenti Phasellus euismod libero in neque molestie et elementum libero maximus. Etiam in enim vestibulum suscipit sem quis molestie nibh. Donec ac lacus nec diam gravida pellentesque. Morbi viverra facilisis massa a ullamcorper. Vivamus egestas tincidunt faucibus. Nulla tristique urna id lacinia egestas sapien arcu convallis velit id porta turpis velit molestie enim.

In sagittis purus eget semper ullamcorper nisi lorem condimentum tellus vitae semper quam enim vitae justo. Vestibulum vulputate posuere nunc sit amet ultrices aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur tempus diam eget aliquam.

Looking for Consultation?

Professional Consulting

We offer professional services and our team is made up of well-groomed and qualified personnel.

Value Addition

Value Addition is our strength in business. The services includes revenue mobilization strategies, creation  of  tailor made controls and ICT systems.

Excellent Timing

All our projects are completed within agreed timelines. We are excellent in time keeping.

Budget Friendly

Our business packages are bundled in affordable prices, to suite the needs of our clients.

What Our Clients Say