
How we help

After every general election or local government elections, a new crop of Councillors (Board of Directors) is ushered into a local authority. To effectively perform their roles, the new Councillors require induction training to perform their duties in terms of provisions of the National Constitution, Local Government statutes and other governing regulations. Continuous training is also required for the Councillors, Committees, Committee chairpersons and Council Chairpersons/ Mayors. In addition, Council officials also require customized trainings on various mission-specific issues.

Focus Areas

  • Induction Trainings for Councilors in line with provisions of the National Constitution and the Local Government Acts
  • Committee-based trainings
  • Customised leadership trainings for Committee Chairpersons, Mayors and Council Chairpersons
  • Training of Council officials on various operational issues including IPSAS, Integrated Reporting, Record-taking and management, customer relations management
  • Strategic planning, annualized planning through comprehensive and inclusive consultation of citizens and stakeholders
  • Bridging the widening chasm between local government institutions and, residents, ratepayers and stakeholders through unpacking of local government statutes, regulations and policies